Equipment Identity Register
jtendo EIR prevents from using stolen terminals in mobile network

Unique Selling Points
- Contains a list of IMEIs of mobile terminals that are active in a mobile network
- Manages IMSI-IMEI-MSISDN-location related logic with addition of external DBs information
- Supports authentication of mobile devices in the 2G/3G/4G and 5G networks - including IoT devices
- Blocks and reports stolen devices usage
- Detects SIM cloning
- Allows to set time limitations for the use of defined terminals
Best of breed
- Wide range of unique functionalities
- Flexible licensing models: perpetual or subscription-based
- Low cost legacy platform swap NO changes on operator’s side
- High quality support with very competitive pricing
- Easy to integrate with external databases and other sources
- Supports data synchronization and caching e.g. with centralized DB
- Exposes provisioning interface for data manipulation and querying
- Possibility to integrate with all existing interfaces to prevent any kind of operator’s environment change
Business Benefits
jtendo has committed to extend the functionality of the EIR product in a changing world and to address new challenges
coming with Voice over LTE, Voice over WiFi, Internet of Things (IoT) & other M2M-related environment changes.
Functional Overview
Main Functionality
- Blocklisting: barring
- Allowlisting: permitted for use
- Greylisting: tracked for evaluation
- Unknown terminal
OSS integration
- SNMP support
- Includes statistics engine based on ELK
- Broad range of reporting capabilities
- Includes alarm console
Protocol Support
- Gf Diameter S13/S13
HW and OS requirements
- Any x64 server (or virtual resource)
- Red Hat / CentOS
- NFV support