How it started? Intelligent Network intro
This story has started over 10 years ago when me and my colleagues founded jtendo. Our idea was to deliver Intelligent Network (IN) platforms and applications in an totally new and different way. We were, and still we are, enthusiasts of open environments. Experienced with JAIN and OSA/Parlay platforms and services (shout-out to those who created and implemented it!!!), from the very beginning we believed in the value of merging telco environments with the Internet. It seems, we brought this idea waaaay faster than the reality…
Fast forward… Today… The idea is even more valid than 10 years ago but now we have soooo much more capabilities to deliver! And thus – here comes the jIN.
jIN (jtendo Intelligent Network) is a solution based on our fundamental idea of openness. It is also a mature and field-proven set of services and underlaying platforms. All these elements are used to fulfill any kind of Intelligent Network service and far more.
From the very beginning we have aligned all the deliverables with a basic concept of openness and trouble-free integration. jIN is the essence of our mindset and experience. So… If you are an operator thinking about your IN platform – what are the components of the platform? Well… the base is the signaling stack and the application which processes the signaling. At least it used to be this way in SS7 world (to share a tear around the history of IN please visit here). jIN lifts it several levels up. jIN is a Solution which covers a huge amount of services and all necessary underlaying environment components.
jIN Solution components:

- Service Logic Execution Environment based on:
- JSLEE-compliant platform (shout-out to Metaswitch – now Microsoft!) or
- inSOA (jtendo SLEE – based on microservices and Service Oriented Architecture)
- Telco Services – business logic implementation (please see the list below)
- Database for services and users’ profiles (optional)
- Provisioning gateway (optional)
- User Interaction gateway (optional)
- Web Services Exposure Layer (optional)
- Service Interaction Engine (optional)
- Environment Management and Reporting (O&M)
List of jIN services

From purely business perspective here is the list of IN services that we have deployed on jIN (please keep in mind that it an OPEN environment for new ideas and services):
1. Real Time Charging FrontEnd (SS7/Diameter/SIP/HTTP to DCCA/Ro/Corba/other)
Connecting CS and IMS to Online Charging System – Voice, SMS, MMS, Data
2. jLOW – Low Balance Assistance
Handling pre-paid subscribers with zero balance
3. VPN
Virtual Private Networks for business users
4. Number Translation Services
5. jUCC
Virtual PaBX for corporate users – addressing SOHO as well as biggest enterprises
6. And about 40 more… Coming in next posts!
More information about jIN go here
Stay tuned! Soon we publish more about jIN Solution.