We are acting globally
You do not need to be a big company to work with big customers.
You do not need to travel around the world to deliver projects abroad.
👉 To create a real Wireless World, our engineers are working with customers in many countries.

Even covid19 was not able to stop 🔥 our work! We are opening new projects, new activities ❗️
Today distance does not matter.
Today a good idea 💡 is a value.
Join us and we will strengthen 💪 your business.
We will shape your thoughts, ideas and needs into masterpiece 🃏.
Our bulletproof, battle-tested solutions are delivered worldwide!
So far we deliver our project to:
Security Services & Solutions
Algeria, Indonesia, Iraq, Kuwait, Maldives, Myanmar, Oman, Palestine, Poland, Qatar, Tunisia, UAE
jIN: jtendo Intelligent Network
Belgium, Caribbean, Czech, Greece, Jordan, Luxemburg, Poland, Reunion, Slovakia
Core Network Components
Czech, Greece, Poland