How to combat electronic communication abuse?
New regulations and effective solutions
The number of attacks on computer network users increases every year. This forces network operators to look for more and more advanced security solutions. Some of them are also associated with obligations arising from amendments to legislation. Poland will soon see a change in this regard as well – a government draft law on combating abuse in electronic telecommunications has recently seen the light of day.
What is particularly highlighted in the mentioned document? What are the new solutions supposed to protect from, and how is it going to be implemented?
Law on combating electronic communication abuse – government bill project
Mid-March this year, the Council of Ministers adopted a draft law on combating electronic communications abuse, presented by the Minister of Digitization. The new legislation aims to implement the provisions and guidelines of Directive 2018/1972 of the European Parliament and of the EU Council of December 11, 2018 establishing the European Electronic Communications Code, particularly the provisions of Article 97. On March 7, the draft was referred to the first reading in the Digitization and Innovation and Emerging Technologies Committees, which have until June 13 to submit a report.
What do the planned changes look like? Under the new legislation, in justified cases, all entities that provide electronic communications networks or public electronic communications services are to block access to numbers or services of addresses if they attempt fraud.
The legislation will specifically address smishing and CLI spoofing fraud (Wangiri, robocalling, call bombing, bypass fraud, etc.), which lead to the generation of artificial traffic and are dangerous attempts to defraud relevant information (personal, payment card or bank account access data).
Security solutions – changes in regulations
How are lawmakers aiming to increase the level of security for cell phone networks? This involves new duties and powers for telecommunications companies. Once the law goes into effect, they will be required to block SMS messages that conform to a smishing-like template in their possession. A database of such templates will be held by the Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT NASK). In addition, operators will block voice calls if they are suspected of being made by entities impersonating other people or institutions (e.g., offices, banks, state institutions).
The changes will also affect e-mail operators. If they have at least 500,000 users, they will have to implement advanced authentication mechanisms.
Protecting customers and mobile networks – effective solutions
For some time now, governments of various countries have been looking for effective IT solutions to protect mobile and Internet users from hacking attacks and phishing attempts. Such measures have been taken in the EU, but also in the United States or Australia. How will the national proposal work? It is to be an algorithm operating in the out-of-band, but enriched with experience from systems already in place around the world.
At jtendo, we already place great emphasis on the security and protection of mobile networks from threats such as CLI Spoofing. A particularly effective solution, meeting the highest security standards and fully compliant with the new legal requirements, may prove to be our expanded Anti CLI Spoofing, which allows for effective verification of caller numbers (White/Blacklist number verification and analysis, location determination), which in many cases enables efficient blocking of threatening calls and securing network users from CLI Spoofing phishing attempts. The solution is already trusted by larger (Tier 1) and smaller operators in various countries, prioritizing the protection of their customers’ data.
So far, we have been trusted by, among others, T-Mobile Czech Republic and Slovak Telekom, wanting to protect the security of their networks and users from attacks by digital criminals in the best possible way. We believe that our application will also support operators on the Polish ground, increasing the level of security in accordance with the guidelines found in the bill. When will the new law take effect? It is difficult to say unequivocally. According to the regulations, it will go into effect 30 days after it is announced in the Journal of Laws. Anti CLI Spoofing is a proven and recommended option by reputable companies. At jtendo, we are constantly vigilant about the changes. Our team is already working vigorously to make sure we meet expectations and future digital security standards.